The Steady Growth of Everybody’s Hometown

Prescott Days | Showcasing the Best of Presscott, Arizona

It would be hard not to notice that the city of Prescott, aka Everybody’s Hometown, is experiencing a consistent growth trend. As of 2023, Prescott boasts a population of 48,946, placing it as the 23rd largest city in Arizona and the 812th largest city in the United States. This population growth represents a 6.84% increase since the last recorded census in 2020. With a current annual growth rate of 2.23%, Prescott's appeal as a burgeoning residential hub is undeniable, and it comes as no surprise given the recent political and societal landscapes in some of the larger urban centers in our country.

Prescott Days | Showcasing the Best of Prescott, Arizona

Arizona has emerged as a favored destination for domestic migrants in the United States, with an average of 266,648 people moving there annually, according to data from 2015 to 2019. Remarkably, nearly a quarter of these migrants, 23.6% to be exact, hail from California, making them the largest group to relocate to the Grand Canyon State. This trend is consistent within Arizona's key urban centers, Phoenix and Tucson, where 22.6% and 20.9% of the total incoming population, respectively, are Californians. However, obtaining more recent migration data post-pandemic has proven to be a challenge. For reasons I cannot seem to figure out, the publication of state-to-state migration data ceased after 2019. This was an unexpected development, considering 2020 marked the first year since 2004 that such data was not made available annually. While it's not a cause break out the tin foil hats just yet, the lack of transparency does raise intriguing questions about the migration patterns during and after the pandemic.

Prescott's growth is not isolated to single individuals or retirees; families, including those with small children, are also part of this migration trend. The charm of Prescott's small-town feel combined with the amenities of a larger city makes it an attractive destination. The city boasts a high-quality education system, abundant outdoor recreational activities, and a safe, community-oriented environment, making it an ideal location for families.

Prescott Days | Showcasing the Best of Prescott, Arizona

While migration data typically focuses just on Prescott, statistics from the nearby Prescott Valley provide a compelling insight into the growth of the overall area. Recent data reveals significant net migration from California cities to Prescott Valley. From 2015 to 2019, the net migration from Los Angeles and Riverside to Prescott Valley was 1,175 and 344, respectively. These figures underscore the continued allure of the region for Californians and hint at a similar trend likely taking place in Prescott itself.

Prescott Days | Showcasing the Best of Prescott, Arizona

Looking ahead, if these migration and growth trends persist, we can expect Prescott's population to continue its steady climb. In 2024, when the migration data from 2019–2023 is released, it will be no surprise if Prescott alone tops 55–60K residents, given its current annual growth rate. Combine Prescott Valley with Dewey, Humboldt, and Chino, and the numbers may be shocking. Is the quad-city area ready for the new growth? The influx of families with small children might also shape the city's demographics, leading to a younger average age and a potentially growing demand for family-oriented services and amenities. While precise predictions are challenging until the specific data is released, the future of Prescott looks promising, with Prescott poised to emerge as a vibrant, family-friendly destination.


Paying it Forward


Five Reasons to Raise a Family in Prescott Arizona