How Nicole Baltes is Cultivating Community and Fitness at Core Pilates Prescott

In the tapestry of life, some threads are woven by choice, others by chance, and some, perhaps, by a higher design. Nicole Baltes, the spirited owner of Core Pilates Prescott, embodies this intricate weaving. Her journey from the dance studios of Santa Ana to the Pilates reformers in Prescott is not just a tale of career shifts but a profound narrative of resilience, passion, and destiny. As I continue to meet business owners in Prescott and explore their stories, a recurring motif continues to emerge, as vivid and enduring as the Arizona sun: adversity. It's as though the path to success is inexorably paved with trials; each obstacle overcome is both a pre-requisite to moving forward and a testament to resilience and perseverance. In this landscape of challenge and triumph, Nicole Baltes stands with confidence, not merely following the tradition of overcoming adversity but seemingly bending the very fabric of space-time to her will. Her story is not just one of overcoming barriers; it's a narrative of transcending them, setting a standard for realizing dreams amidst life's relentless tests. Nicole's journey, woven with the threads of determination and grace, adds a rich, inspiring layer to the collective story of Prescott's entrepreneurs.

In the course of preparing this article, I've had the opportunity to collaborate with Nicole on three or four occasions. I felt that to tell Nicole’s story, it was essential to highlight her remarkable and distinctive personality. Describing Nicole's dynamic presence is a challenge; she naturally embodies the roles of teacher and coach, yet these terms barely scratch the surface of her essence. When speaking with her and watching her teach, I could sense a depth of character and intelligence you don’t often encounter. During my research, I came across a quote from the iconic Martha Graham, often hailed as the Picasso of dance, which directly encapsulates Nicole's spirit. Martha, while musing about dance with a student, remarked, "Dance can be thought of as a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening that is translated through you into action." There it is. That is Nicole. An energetic life force that has been translated into action.

Nicole's story begins in the sun-drenched streets of Santa Ana, where the art of dance wove itself into her daily existence from a young age. "I didn’t choose to dance; it chose me," she reflects thoughtfully. Nicole's mother, a skilled dance teacher and former professional dancer herself, gave her the gift and legacy of dance, which rhythmically orchestrated her life during these formative years. This environment, rich in the art of movement, was more than a mere backdrop to her childhood; it was the foundation of a journey deeply rooted in physical expression.

"Dance was my greatest joy and passion, and it just simply felt like what I was born to do.

Growing up in such a dynamic setting, Nicole's days were infused with the discipline and beauty of dance, shaping her understanding of movement and its expressive power. This early exposure to dance did more than just develop her physical skills; it fostered a profound connection to the art form, ingraining a sense of rhythm and grace that would become second nature to her. As she grew, this foundation in dance began to shape her aspirations and dreams, guiding her towards a future where movement would not just be a form of artistic expression but a central element of her identity and career path. Nicole's childhood thus set the stage for a life where the language of movement would open doors to possibilities she was only just beginning to explore.

However, the unpredictable aspect of the universe had its own plans for Nicole. By the tender age of 19, Nicole had already faced the daunting reality of undergoing five surgeries. These medical interventions inevitably shifted the course of her burgeoning dance career. The physical demands and limitations imposed by these surgeries were not just hurdles; they were transformative experiences that reshaped her understanding of the body and its capabilities. In the face of these adversities, Nicole discovered a profound depth in her approach to physical well-being. This challenging phase in her life was more than a series of medical procedures; it was a pivotal moment that sparked a philosophical awakening in Nicole. She began to see the body not just as a vessel for performance but as an integrated system requiring a balanced approach to health and wellness.

“My drive to explore health and wellness through motion comes from a vow I took to never have another surgery again... and I will only ever consider it if I have exhausted all other healing options. I try to instill that value in the clients I work with as well as in my friends and family.”

As a result of her exploration and appreciation of unconventional therapies and bodywork, Nicole adopted a holistic perspective on well-being. Her approach transcends the traditional theories of physical fitness, encompassing the entire spectrum of health. It's a philosophy deeply rooted in the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit and underscores the importance of nurturing each aspect to achieve overall wellness. Nicole's journey, which was characterized by her own struggles and victories, also involved exploring unconventional therapies and bodywork, experiences that deepened her understanding of strength and healing. This comprehensive approach to health and wellness later crystallized into the core ethos of her Pilates practice. It became her mission statement and the guiding principle behind her teaching methodology, profoundly influencing how she trains, supports, and inspires her clients. In this way, Nicole's journey through these trials and her foray into alternative healing methods became a conduit for her evolution, both as a practitioner and as a mentor in the realm of physical health and Pilates. Her holistic vision now extends beyond the Pilates mat, incorporating a wider spectrum of healing and strengthening techniques that enhance her ability to guide her clients towards balanced and integrated well-being.

The transition to Pilates was an intuitive shift for Nicole, a dancer in search of both solace and strength in the wake of multiple surgeries. What began as a rehabilitation effort through Pilates soon unfolded into an eye-opening revelation. "I loved the level of concentration required to do Pilates," she recalls, drawing a parallel between the rigorous discipline inherent in dance and the meticulous precision demanded by Pilates. From the outset of her initial Pilates experience, Nicole felt a deep connection, recognizing that this was not merely a temporary infatuation with the practice but the dawn of a profound and enduring commitment.

"I’ve always trusted the “quiet voice” inside, whether you consider that to be intuition, gut instinct, your soul speaking to you, or perhaps God speaking. I just began receiving strong feelings that led me in the direction of Pilates, and so I listened."

Nicole's burgeoning passion and unwavering commitment to Pilates sparked a deep-seated desire to explore the discipline's core principles and techniques more profoundly. Having distanced herself from the professional dance circuit, she felt a compelling urge to pivot her career towards something that ignited her passion. Initially contemplating a return to college for a dance degree with a focus on kinesiology, Nicole aimed to teach dance within the educational system. She meticulously planned this new academic venture, transferring credits and beginning the application process for colleges. However, as she navigated this transition, life, destiny, or perhaps God Himself gently steered her in a different direction. They say that even the smallest shift in a comet's arc can alter its destination by incredible distances, and this was precisely the kind of shift Nicole experienced. A subtle yet profound change in direction led to an outcome vastly different from her original trajectory. Having moved to New York City years earlier for dance, Nicole found herself in an unexpected yet fortuitous position: she was already in the mecca of Pilates training and instruction. The more she explored this new path, the more everything seemed to fall into place, as if the stars themselves were aligning to guide her. In the frenetic, bustling energy of the city that never sleeps, Nicole's transition from dance to Pilates didn't just represent a change in career; it symbolized a significant shift in her life's path, leading her to embrace a new passion that was waiting to be discovered.

Nicole's journey to Prescott and the founding of Core Pilates Prescott are both marked by a sense of destiny and familial ties. Having lived in diverse locales such as Orange County, New York City, and Chicago, Nicole felt a unique pull towards Prescott. A string of family events, beginning with the death of her mother in November 2018, had an impact on this crucial decision. Shortly thereafter, her brother announced his plans to relocate to Prescott with his family from Southern California. Not long after, her father decided to move there as well, to be closer to his grandchildren. It was these family movements that sparked a realization in Nicole and her then-boyfriend, now husband, that they too were meant to move to Prescott. Her husband's love for the outdoors resonated with Nicole's own inclinations, making their decision to move feel all the more right. This convergence of personal loss, family decisions, and a shared affinity for nature and the outdoors ultimately led Nicole to open Core Pilates Prescott, bringing her unique blend of Pilates and Gyrotonic training to the community.

“The decision to move to Prescott was another moment that I truly feel was divinely guided.”

In Prescott, Nicole discovered much more than a mere location for her studio; she found a community that deeply echoed her own values and aspirations. The town's inclusive and friendly atmosphere perfectly aligned with her vision for Core Pilates Prescott. "Just like Prescott is 'Everybody’s Hometown', I want everyone who comes to the studio to feel like it is home," Nicole expresses, highlighting her desire to create a space that reflects the town's congenial and supportive nature. Her studio has become a community within a community, where individuals from all walks of life can gather, not only to practice Pilates and Gyrotonic but also to experience a sense of belonging. This alignment of her studio's ethos with the character of Prescott has allowed Nicole to foster an environment where clients feel valued and connected, further enriching the town's storied community spirit.

So far, I have mentioned the Gyrotonic method a few times. What exactly is Gyrotonic you ask? For that, we have to flash back to 2010. While still involved in dance, Nicole encountered a significant development in her journey with the introduction of the GYROTONIC EXPANSION SYSTEM®. Gyrotonic, a unique system of exercise, incorporates movement principles from yoga, dance, gymnastics, swimming, and tai chi. This method is distinct in its approach to flexibility and strength, using specialized equipment to create a range of motion that is both circular and flowing. It emphasizes the simultaneous lengthening and strengthening of muscles, enhancing joint mobility and articulation. Fast forward to the here and now, and Nicole has found Gyrotonic to be an enriching addition to her Pilates practice. It offers a fluid and expressive form of movement that beautifully complements the structured and linear nature of Pilates. While involved in dance, this combination presented a harmonious blend, integrating the precise, controlled movements of Pilates with the more dynamic, rhythmic fluidity characteristic of dance. For Nicole, a dancer at heart, Gyrotonic felt like a natural extension of her existing skills and passions, resonating deeply with her love for expressive, full-bodied movement. It was as if Gyrotonic bridged the gap between the disciplined world of Pilates and the creative, free-flowing realm of dance, creating a perfect symphony that resonated with her dancer's soul. This new dimension in her practice not only enhanced her physical capabilities but also enriched her understanding of body mechanics and movement potential.

“In 2010, I temporarily stepped away from dance to help heal and treat knee issues. When I was ready to get back into training and performing, I wanted something in addition to Pilates to help me prepare my body. My mom was a Gyrotonic instructor (as well as a dance teacher and Pilates instructor), and we determined that gyrotonics would be the best training method for my body as far as preparing it for dance again.”

Core Pilates Prescott stands out in the greater Prescott area as the sole Pilates studio offering training in the GYROTONIC® method, a distinction that highlights the unique expertise of Nicole. Certified in both Pilates and Gyrotonic, she brings a comprehensive approach to movement and wellness. The symbiotic nature of Pilates and Gyrotonic under her guidance is particularly beneficial for those exploring these methods for the first time. Both disciplines emphasize moving from the body's center, fostering a deep mind-body connection, and coordinating breath with movement. However, they differ in their movement patterns: Pilates focuses on linear motions, building strength and flexibility in a structured manner, while Gyrotonic expands on this foundation with more circular, fluid movements that enhance joint range of motion. This combination allows Nicole to offer a holistic training experience at Core Pilates Prescott, where Gyrotonic complements and extends the benefits of traditional Pilates, providing a well-rounded approach to physical health and fitness.

Nicole brings a unique twist to the traditional Pilates method, striking a delicate balance between the classic teachings of Joseph Pilates and her own creative adaptations. She views the traditional Pilates method as the foundational framework of her teaching, respecting the original techniques developed by Joseph Pilates himself. However, Nicole is not rigid in her approach; she understands that each client's body has its own needs and limitations. When she deviates from the traditional path, it is always with a specific purpose in mind. For instance, if a client requires more stretching, Nicole seamlessly integrates static stretches or alternative movements that cater to their immediate physical needs. This flexibility in her teaching style allows her to make Pilates more accessible and personalized, ensuring that each session is tailored to the individual needs of her clients, whether they are seasoned practitioners or newcomers to the practice.

"Without a doubt, the most cherished aspect of my business is the bonds I form with my clients. These connections are not just part of the job; they are life-giving. Each relationship I build is unique and deeply valued, and it's these connections that truly energize and inspire me in my work every day."

The aspect of her job that Nicole cherishes the most is the relationships she builds with her clients and instructors, especially those who are new to Pilates. For Nicole, creating a personal connection is an intrinsic part of her identity, naturally woven into her interactions at Core Pilates Prescott. She takes the time to sit and chat with newcomers, introducing them to the equipment and reassuring them of her guidance throughout their Pilates journey. Her aim is always to foster a warm and supportive environment, recognizing that new clients often come in with nerves and apprehensions. In group classes, she makes a point of using everyone's name, personalizing the experience, and fostering a sense of community. This approach extends to her instructors as well, with whom she is building strong, supportive relationships, much like the ones she has with her clients. Nicole's emphasis on personal connections goes beyond the typical client-instructor dynamic, often evolving into meaningful friendships, thereby creating a welcoming and inclusive atmosphere that is reflective of the studio's ethos.

I asked Nicole for her perspective on where Pilates and The Gyrotonic Method were headed. She reasons that the future of Pilates and Gyrotonic will be increasingly intertwined with the healthcare sector, particularly in the realm of rehabilitation and pain management. Already, a growing number of health professionals, including doctors and chiropractors, are informally recommending these methods, especially for issues like back pain. While these practices are not officially prescribed within the traditional medical model and are not covered by insurance, their integration into physical therapy programs is becoming more common. This trend points towards a potential shift in how the medical community views and utilizes Pilates and Gyrotonic. The hope is that with increased recognition and understanding of the benefits, these methods will become more accessible and widely accepted as part of rehabilitation programs, bridging the gap between fitness and healthcare.

Despite the majority of her time being dedicated to her Pilates studio, Nicole cherishes her downtime in Prescott, embracing the town's culture and natural beauty. "We're pretty simple people," she says with a smile. Nicole and her husband find joy in exploring the outdoors, particularly through hiking. One of their favorite trails, the Teapot Trail in Yavapai Hills, is conveniently located near their home, allowing them to hit the trail right from their doorstep. For socializing and dining, Lazy G’s is their go-to spot, a place where they can unwind and enjoy the company of friends. Nicole also loves taking spontaneous drives around Prescott, especially during sunset. These drives often involve checking out other homes in the area and culminate when they find the perfect spot to soak in the world-famous Arizona sunsets.

I couldn't help but wonder about the caffeine intake necessary to keep up with the demands of being a top-level Pilates instructor. Nicole's coffee habits, let's just say, are a bit unconventional. "I'm one of those weird people who enjoys coffee, but caffeine has no effect on me," she shares. Editors note: After getting to know Nicole, this does not actually surprise me. She seems to be able to pull her energy out of the ether, much like the mysterious, dark energy that permeates our universe. Nicole went on to explain that they have recently started getting their coffee from a roaster in Joshua Tree, known as Joshua Tree Coffee. In terms of local spots, Nicole doesn't have a singular favorite. Instead, she enjoys a bit of variety, often alternating between local favorites Wild Iris, The Porch, and Century Lounge.

As Nicole reflects on her own experiences, she offers a piece of advice that is both personal and universally resonant, a message she would have given to her younger self and to anyone at any stage of their journey: Remain true to yourself. Stay true to your movement values." This guiding principle has been a beacon through the various phases of her life, emphasizing the importance of authenticity in both personal and professional spheres. It's a reminder that in life's intricate dance, staying true to one's own rhythm and values is not just crucial; it's what imbues the journey with beauty and uniqueness. Nicole adds, "Keep dreaming big and embracing growth, even when it feels a little scary. Stay diligent in building your own dreams and focusing on the special and unique things you offer, and trust that everything else will fall into place.” This sentiment encapsulates her approach to life and work, encouraging others to pursue their passions with confidence and the belief that their unique contributions will lead to fulfillment and success. A reminder that in the dance of life, staying true to one's rhythm is perhaps the most beautiful performance of all.

In the spirit of supporting local dreams and endeavors like Nicole's, the community is encouraged to rally behind small businesses such as Core Pilates Prescott. These local enterprises are not just businesses; they are the heartbeats of our towns, driven by individuals who pour their passion and authenticity into their work every day. By choosing to support them, we not only contribute to the local economy but also become part of a larger story of community and resilience. So, let's come together to celebrate and support the small businesses that make our community everybody's hometown.

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