Vannet Photography: Preserving and Promoting the Western Lifestyle

From the outset, the multifaceted talent of Calie Vannet Estrada, the artistic force steering Vannet Photography, stands out. One moment, she's navigating the remote wilderness on horseback, her lens trained on the untouched beauty of natural landscapes. The next, she's amidst contemporary western high society, capturing the opulence of extravagant weddings with her distinctive flair.

The name Calie Vannet is now intricately linked with the genuine essence of the western lifestyle, the grandeur of the American terrain, and the intimate warmth of weddings and familial milestones. Her evolution into a celebrated professional photographer can be traced back to her early high school years, a passion ignited by her Mother's own professional venture into photography.

"My passion for photography undoubtedly found its spark in my Mother's professional endeavors," Calie revealed. "I remain profoundly grateful to her for passing down her seasoned equipment to me." She further conveyed her gratitude for her formative encounters with a fully manual, single-lens reflex camera. "The knowledge I gained from working with such tools was truly priceless," she elucidated. "It compels you to dive deep into the intricacies of camera mechanisms, honing your skills to adjust settings precisely, all in pursuit of capturing a beautifully balanced, perfectly exposed image."

Calie grew up in Minnesota, where she developed a passion for natural landscapes and chasing light through activities like fishing, camping, hiking, and skiing. Her upbringing played a significant role in shaping her photography style, particularly her focus on capturing the beauty of natural landscapes. When Calie reflects on her formative years, she paints a vivid picture of her surroundings.

"From a young age, I found myself intimately connected with the natural world. Whether it was the lush boreal forests of my home state, the awe-inspiring expanse of the southwest desert, the golden waves of endless prairies, or the majestic allure of towering mountains, each environment held a unique charm for me."

These captivating environments left an indelible imprint on Calie, shaping her perception of beauty and subsequently influencing her creative direction.

She explains, "This deep-rooted appreciation for nature's diverse tapestry has played a pivotal role in shaping my artistic vision. It has instilled in me a drive to perceive and capture beauty in its most raw and unadulterated form, from the grandeur of landscapes to the delicate details of flora and fauna." She further adds, "These impressions from my youth continue to inspire my photography today. I aim to convey the same feelings of tranquility, wonder, and respect for the natural world through my images that I experienced while exploring these diverse ecosystems. It's about more than just taking photographs; it's about sharing the story of our magnificent earth, celebrating its diversity, and promoting a sense of reverence and stewardship towards our natural world."

Hailing from Minnesota, a state famed for its 10,000 lakes, Calie's transition to Arizona marked a significant shift in both geography and lifestyle. However, it wasn't just the shift in geography that marked this change. As fate would have it, a shared taxi ride in Las Vegas with a cowboy changed the trajectory of her life forever. It was there that she met her future husband, Roberto Estrada, a professional cowboy and horse trainer. The encounter with Roberto wasn't merely serendipitous but transformative, prompting her to swap the sprawling lakes and verdant landscapes of the North for the rugged beauty of the high desert mountains. Calie's remarkable journey is a testament to her adaptability, adventurous spirit, and deep-rooted love for the lifestyle that defines western heritage.

Calie explained, "My Dad, raised on a farm on the North Dakota-Minnesota border, later worked in a feedlot before dedicating his career to the cattle feed industry. One of my core memories is definitely of Dad rocking his cowboy boots 24/7, so my transition to the cowboy lifestyle isn't as big a leap as it might seem for a Minnesota girl. As a child, I always wanted to own a horse, envying my farm-living friends. Now, being married to a cowboy and horse trainer, I am living that dream!"

As I write this, I find myself at the crossroads of art and commerce once more. My fascination with that aspect of the American Dream stems from my work in the music industry. I spent many years working on the business side of the music industry and was always intrigued by those on the artistic side. Calie's artistic side is evident in her stunning landscape photos, which are more akin to artwork than mere photography. Calie has always gravitated towards the creative and artistic dimensions of life. From an early age, she immersed herself in various artistic expressions, dabbling in different mediums such as pottery and jewelry-making. However, in the diverse panorama of her creative ventures, photography has always held a special place. It has emerged as her most profound and consistent form of artistic expression. Calie's passion for capturing the world through her lens is not simply a hobby; it's a reflection of her deep-rooted desire to immortalize the beauty that surrounds her.

Calie explains, "I am continually captivated by the aesthetic elements around me. There's a unique beauty in everything, and while some choose to draw or paint these scenes, I found that capturing the beauty through the lens as it is laid out in front of me is what I truly enjoy doing."

Her camera, therefore, became more than just a tool; it was an extension of her artistic self, a medium through which she could freeze fleeting moments of beauty, translating them into enduring, tangible memories. Calie's photography reflects her artistic vision, her keen eye for detail, and her unique perspective on the world around her. Her artistic vision is founded on the belief that creativity is not necessarily about creating something new but about capturing and recognizing the beauty in what is already there.

Calie's wedding and event photographs exude an elegance that's both subdued and timeless. Her goal is to create images that will continue to captivate, appearing as fresh and alluring twenty years from now as they do on the day she presents them in the gallery. Eschewing the overuse of filters and other transient trends, she leans towards an authentic representation of moments that defines her artistic style. Her emphasis on maintaining true tones and avoiding artificial enhancements is a testament to her commitment to authenticity. This approach guarantees that her work stands the test of time, ensuring that each captured moment reflects its genuine depth and emotion. Thus, Calie doesn't merely deliver photographs; she presents pieces of art that encapsulate everlasting memories, sparkling with their original splendor even as time passes.

"My objective is to craft images that transcend the passage of time. I aspire for my clients to revisit their photos years down the line and experience the same sense of delight and beauty they felt when they first laid eyes on them," explains Calie. She firmly believes that the key to capturing such enduring appeal lies in her approach to editing: "By refraining from overutilizing filters and preserving the true tones of the photos, I ensure that the charm of the original moment is not lost but amplified. This gives the images a timeless quality, creating a visual memoir that will continue to resonate with my clients throughout their lives."

Calie's serene and composed disposition serves as an invaluable attribute in the often-chaotic atmosphere of wedding parties and family shoots. She stands out in her field for her methodical approach, which is characterized by a well-thought-out plan and timeline and a willingness to adapt when necessary. Her relaxed nature, combined with her ability to quickly devise solutions to unexpected issues, proves to be a tremendous asset to her wedding photography clients.

In her own words, "The landscape of weddings is seldom predictable. It's essential to be prepared and adaptable. The ability to stay calm and resourceful under pressure is a hallmark of a truly proficient wedding photographer. These traits not only enhance the process but also reflect in the resulting images, capturing not just poses but the spontaneous moments of joy, surprise, and emotion that make each wedding unique."

...Capturing not just poses but spontaneous moments of joy. Hearing it described in this way reshapes one's perspective on photography. In truth, the most memorable photographs are those that capture raw emotions in their most unguarded state. This could be why staged pictures often give off an air of discomfort and artifice. Reflecting on the nature of the best photographs, we realize they are indeed snapshots of pure, unscripted emotion. It's a wonder, then, how one could perceive photography in any other light. With such an intuitive understanding of the emotional depth and details in each frame, it's no surprise that Calie is in high demand for wedding and lifestyle photo shoots.

Having delved into Calie's fascinating journey to Prescott and her unique immersion into the cowboy lifestyle, it's intriguing to rewind a bit and understand the genesis of her business endeavor. Calie set foot in the professional world of photography almost a decade ago, inaugurating Vannet Photography as a part-time side gig while maintaining another job. However, after two years of juggling two roles, she decided to commit fully to her passion for photography.

Reflecting on her journey, Calie shared, "I laid the foundation for Vannet Photography nine years ago while still working another part-time job. It was a side venture then. But after two years, I felt ready to make the leap and transform my passion into a full-time profession. Beginning part-time served as an advantageous move; it provided me with the opportunity to steadily establish my brand in the area and cultivate a robust client base."

As her photography business grew, Calie began to realize her marriage to a cowboy opened the door to a niche photographic genre: the western lifestyle. Her daily access to people and places that typical photographers might not have has granted her a unique perspective. Calie's photographs encapsulate the essence of the western lifestyle, making her an appealing collaborator for renowned outdoor western brands.

With more than a hint of pride, Calie explained, "Being married to a cowboy and actually living this lifestyle day in and day out has offered me a unique window into the western world that most photographers don't have. It has provided me with opportunities to shoot for some of the most respected brands in the western fashion and lifestyle industry, including Wrangler, Kimes Ranch Jeans, Lucchese Boots, Vogt Silversmiths, and Azulado Boots. I consider myself incredibly fortunate to collaborate with such prestigious brands, capturing the spirit of the West through my lens and contributing to their visual storytelling."

The effort and dedication required to craft the ideal landscape, wedding, product, or family shoot are nothing short of colossal. Beyond the time spent behind the lens, Calie dedicates a substantial portion of her work to the intricate art of post-production, or editing. For every hour spent on the field, she finds herself immersed in about 3–4 hours of meticulous editing work. In her experience, the process that follows the conclusion of the shoot is the most labor-intensive and time-consuming.

Unraveling this aspect of her work, Calie explains, "Post-shoot, after an hour-long session, a significant chunk of post-production work awaits me. This phase is where the heaviest investment of time comes into play. When the cameras have been stored away and the raw shots are in the bag, that's when the intricate task of editing begins. This phase, albeit challenging, breathes life into the captured frames, and it is here where a considerable portion of my energy and time is expended."

The scrupulous attention to detail that Calie brings to her craft is vividly manifested in every image she produces. Her work evokes a couple of contemporary adages that are often associated with professional photographers and hapless writers. The essence of these adages is simple yet profound: when you hire a professional like Calie, you're not merely compensating for a few hours of their time; instead, you're investing in the years of training, practice, and perfection they've dedicated to mastering their craft. This dedication is the real value behind the work they deliver, and it's what sets true professionals apart.

A quick note for the Gear Heads and aspiring photographers out there! Calie's choice of photographic equipment reflects her commitment to delivering high-quality and timeless images. For capturing landscapes and scenery, as well as weddings and family portraits, her trusted companion is a Nikon D850, equipped with a versatile 24-70mm F2.8 lens. This workhorse lens is her preferred choice for most scenarios, remaining affixed to her camera approximately the majority of the time. It provides the perfect balance of wide-angle and moderate telephoto perspectives, making it ideal for her diverse shooting needs. Calie's gear list for weddings extends beyond the trusted Nikon D850 and 24-70mm lens combination. She supplements her primary gear with a 60mm macro lens, allowing her to capture exquisite details that often go unnoticed by the naked eye, such as the intricate patterns on the wedding dress or the fine engravings on the wedding rings. Additionally, she carries a 50mm lens, known in the industry as the "nifty fifty", revered for its wide aperture, providing crisp images with a beautiful shallow depth of field. A 70-200mm lens also finds a place in her gear bag, enabling her to capture candid moments from a distance without intruding on the subjects' space. For challenging light conditions, a speedlight is an essential part of her kit, providing extra light when needed. Lastly, understanding the importance of having a contingency plan, Calie always includes a backup camera body in her bag, ensuring that no unexpected equipment malfunction could hinder her mission of capturing those priceless moments.

For Calie, as with many professionals at the pinnacle of their field, the process itself serves as a form of therapeutic engagement. She draws real meaning and fulfillment from her work, savoring the craft of observing and capturing the intrinsic beauty in everyday scenes and extraordinary events alike. In our fast-paced, contemporary world, the aesthetic charm inherent in our surroundings can be easily missed.

Calie explains, "The most rewarding part of my work for me is the simple yet profound act of recognizing beauty in a moment and encapsulating it in an image. Be it during a wedding, a family session, or a lifestyle shoot for a brand, the joy lies in immortalizing beauty in all its fleeting moments."

Her deep-rooted affection for the cowboy culture is evident in her photography. Calie succeeds in capturing the essence of a nearly forgotten era and seamlessly weaving it into the tapestry of the modern world, creating an extraordinary blend of old and new. As someone privileged to contribute to the preservation of a lifestyle she cherishes deeply, Calie's commitment to her craft is unwavering.

She concludes, "I am drawn to the profound simplicity and authenticity inherent in this culture. It harbors a unique charm—an occupation that has withstood the relentless march of time, weathering the onslaught of modernity and preserving its original essence. I consider myself incredibly lucky to be part of this enduring lifestyle and culture. My aspiration is to promote the authenticity, traditions, and values embedded in its existence. If, through my images, I can foster a greater appreciation for this culture, help its continuity, and play a part in preserving it for future generations, even if it's a modest contribution, I will willingly choose that path. This is more than an objective—it is a promise that comes straight from my heart."

Far from being a mere spectator of the western lifestyle, Calie immerses herself fully as an active participant, a conservationist, and a spokesperson for this ageless culture. The respect she holds for the unchanging, genuine simplicity of this life is reflected eloquently in her words, riveting imagery, and personal deeds. Through her distinctive perspective, she shares close-up views of a world resilient in its resistance to the pressures of contemporary life—an enduring tribute to tradition and perseverance.

Calie's work stands as a poignant reinforcement of the necessity to uphold our cultural lineage. Her commitment not only enhances her personal journey but also constructs a pathway for all of us, fostering a more profound understanding and appreciation of the western way of life. Without a doubt, Calie is a living embodiment of the western spirit, and through her extraordinary journey, she allows each one of us to discover a spark of that spirit within ourselves.


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